
Off Day Stretch Flow - Lower Body 1

If flexibility is not an issue for you but you still deal with chronic lower back pain of any kind ( sciatica, herniated discs etc) then based on my experience in solving my back issues which were SEVERE just 3 years ago ... this is the lesson you need to master. You MUST build up strength in your posterior chain...

Off Day Stretch Flow - Lower Body 1
Intro to CastleFlexx - Kids

Intro to CastleFlexx - Kids

CastleFlexx is the most professional stretch device in the world and has many components and ways to use it to help you with sports and your everyday chores. We created...

Castleflexx Active Vs Passive
How to Use CastleFlexx

Castleflexx Active Vs Passive

Here is a sneak peak of the level of quality production you get from being a FLEXXLAB member. Remember, if youre only using CastleFlexx to stretch your legs then youre...