Back Pain Stretches - Lower Body (Part 2 of 2)
If flexibility is not an issue for you but you still deal with chronic lower back pain of any kind ( sciatica, herniated discs etc) then based on my experience in solving my back issues which were SEVERE just 3 years ago ... this is the lesson you need to master.
You MUST build up strength in your posterior chain and this is the only full body mobility device we are aware of that can help you achieve this because it replicates the benefits of Pilates with a push and pull capability using the FlexxBar and the hammock design of the stretch sleeve.
Why is strengthening so important?
Here's a simple example, one time I threw my back out just grabbing a cup from the top shelf of the dishwasher. I bent forward to grab the cup at a 10 degree angle and my back was OUT. Same thing happened on a beach one day grabbing a small chair where I leaned forward to pull it towards me and again, my back was OUT. If I had leaned forward to pick something up off the floor I would have prepared my glutes to tighten and take the stress off my lower back BUT bending forward ever so slightly didnt give my brain enough time to coordinate with my muscles so my back took all the stress of that movement.
Fast forward and 3 years later I haven't had my back go out once and Ive challenged it a LOT more these days with 3 toddlers. This is the strengthening routine that helped me build up my glutes and hamstrings and now when I bend forward even slightly my back is not a factor and my posterior chain does ALL the work.
For those of you with back issues, this is the lesson for you.
Wishing you only good health,
Dan Castle
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