How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis At Home

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How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis At Home: Best Way to Go About Treating Plantar Fasciitis

how to treat plantar fasciitis at home

For anyone suffering from plantar fasciitis, there’s only one thing that matters: Finding relief from the constant heel pain that engulfs your foot every time you take a step. Plantar fasciitis causes intense pain that makes physical activity and even walking a struggle. With no cure, it can feel as though there’s no end in sight and you’re destined for a life of constant pain, but that’s not the case!

In fact, you don’t even need expensive medical visits or time-consuming physical therapy sessions to manage your plantar fasciitis pain, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. In this article, we’ll show you how to treat plantar fasciitis at home. We’ll cover the best way to treat plantar fasciitis, and answer questions like what happens if you don't treat plantar fasciitis, and how long does it take to treat plantar fasciitis.Β 

Whether you’re currently struggling with the pain of plantar fasciitis, or just want to learn how to treat plantar fasciitis naturally, this article will teach you everything you need to know about how to self treat plantar fasciitis.Β 

A Brief Overview of Plantar Fasciitis

Before we dive into how to treat plantar fasciitis at home, let’s first take a look at what plantar fasciitis feels like and what causes this painful condition.Β 


The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is intense pain in the heel and bottom of the foot. The pain is often described as a stabbing sensation and is usually most severe first thing in the morning or after a period of rest. It can also persist throughout the day, especially if you’re on your feet a lot.Β 

As well as heel pain, other symptoms of plantar fasciitis can include:Β 

  • Stiffness in the foot and heel
  • Tenderness at the bottom of the footΒ 
  • Mild swelling in the heel or footΒ 
  • Discomfort or pain in the arch of the footΒ 
  • Pain that worsens with increased activity

Not everyone with plantar fasciitis will experience all of these symptoms, but it gives you a general idea of what plantar fasciitis feels like.Β 


Plantar fasciitis usually develops when the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that supports the arch of the foot, experiences excessive strain or repetitive stress. Some common causes include:

  • Overuse and excessive strain from activities like running, dancing, or jumping
  • Abnormal foot mechanics like high arches or flat feet
  • Wearing shoes that lack proper arch support or cushioning
  • Excess bodyweight, which can put strain on the plantar fasciaΒ 

Other causes may include tight calves, which can cause inflammation and pain in the plantar fascia. Learn how to release tight calves and discover the link between tight calves and knee pain in our guides.Β 

Will Plantar Fasciitis Go Away On Its Own?

Everybody’s plantar fasciitis is a little bit different. For some people, their symptoms improve over time, and may eventually completely resolve. For others, symptoms persist for months, showing no signs of improvement or even becoming worse without treatment or rest.Β 

Chances are, your symptoms won’t go away on their own, and you’ll need to learn the best way to treat plantar fasciitis in order to help your body heal.Β 

What Happens if You Don’t Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

So, what happens if you don’t treat plantar fasciitis? If left untreated, your symptoms can become much worse. You may experience:Β 

  • Persistent pain in your feet that can limit your ability to walk, stand, or exercise
  • Limited mobility due to pain and stiffnessΒ 
  • A different walking pattern, which strains other joints and musclesΒ 
  • Increased risk of injuries like Achilles tendonitis or stress fractures

As you can see, leaving plantar fasciitis untreated isn’t really an option, as the condition can worsen to cause you more serious health problems down the road. So, what’s the best way to treat plantar fasciitis? Let’s take a look.Β 

How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis At Home: Introducing the Best Way to Go About Treating Plantar Fasciitis

Now it’s time to show you how to treat plantar fasciitis at home, safely and effectively. By following these tips, you’ll finally find the much-needed relief you’ve been craving.Β 

A Great Way to Treat Plantar Fasciitis is With CastleFlexx

Stretching is a great way to treat the painful symptoms of plantar fasciitis because it relieves tension, increases flexibility, and promotes blood flow to the foot, to help damaged tissues heal. By using a flexibility device, you can get even more reward from every stretch, and unlock the benefits of assisted stretching.Β 

The CastleFlexx is the ultimate flexibility device for treating plantar fasciitis. In fact, there’s no other tool you can use that’s more effective - the CastleFlexx isΒ a great option for treating plantar fasciitis. This patented tool, previously only available to pro athletes, is the only device with a β€œfoot hammock” which allows you to fully flex your toes back, leading to a stretch that’s 100x more effective than using resistance bands or no aid at all.Β 

Not only is the CastleFlexx considered to be among the best way to treat plantar fasciitis by those who have used it, but its innovative design means you can also use the device to do stretches for tight glutes, release tight hamstrings causing knee pain, and learn how to increase ankle mobility and how to stretch shin splints with the CastleFlexx. This life-saving device can potentially save you from years of pain and discomfort, instead teaching you how to treat plantar fasciitis naturally and effectively.

How to Use CastleFlexx When Treating Plantar Fasciitis

Stretching with the CastleFlexx is easier than you might think, and a great introduction to learning what is fascial stretch therapy. Make sure you position the device o that your heel is placed in the hole, with the canvas stretching over your foot and the front of your leg.Β 

Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed and choose either an under or overhanded grip based on your comfort and the type of stretch you are doing. To stretch, pull back very gently on the handle as the stretch sleeve has no elasticity.

The best way to treat plantar fasciitis with the CastleFlexx is to do a traditional β€œtowel stretch,” which is much more effective with the ergonomic design of the CastleFlexx. Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you, and place one foot inside the CastleFlexx. Gently pull back on the handle, flexing your foot and bringing your toes toward your body. Hold for 15-30 seconds, and repeat on each foot 3-4 times.Β 

You can also do a calf stretch for plantar fasciitis by sitting on the floor with your legs extended and placing one heel inside the CastleFlexx. Gently flex your foot upward while maintaining tension in the CastleFlexx, until you feel a stretch in your calf muscle. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, the release and move onto the other leg.

Other Exercises That Can Work as Plantar Fasciitis TreatmentΒ 

As well as investing in the best stretching equipment in the CastleFlexx, there are other exercises you can try for treating plantar fasciitis. These exercises aim to strengthen the muscles in the foot and lower leg, and improve flexibility and stability. Wondering how long it takes to get flexible? Not long when you combine these exercises with your CastleFlexx stretches!Β 

Toe curls are one of the most effective exercises for treating plantar fasciitis, as it helps to strengthen the muscles in the arch of your foot. Sit on a chair and place a towel or small towel under your feet. Using your toes, curl the towel toward you and release. Repeat this motion for 10 to 15 repetitions on each foot.

Calf raises are another effective exercise for plantar fasciitis treatment. Stand near a wall or use a chair for support. Rise up onto your toes, lifting your heels off the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your heels back down. Aim for 10-15 repetitions to start with, and increase this as you build strength.Β 

Calf raises strengthen the calf muscles, which support the plantar fascia. This exercise can also help to reduce your shin splints recovery time, and is also a great option if you want to learn how to prevent shin splints from occuring in the first place.Β 

Give Your Body Time to Rest and Heal

Rest is essential for allowing the inflamed plantar fascia to heal. Avoid activities that make your pain worse or put excessive strain on your feet, such as high-impact exercises (running or jumping) or prolonged standing. Opt for low-impact activities like swimming or cycling to maintain fitness while giving your feet a break.

Bring Down the Swelling and Inflammation With Ice and & Heat

Applying ice packs to the bottom of your foot can help reduce swelling and inflammation. Use an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel and apply it to the heel for 15-20 minutes several times a day. Alternating ice with heat therapy, such as a warm towel or a foot soak, can provide soothing relief and promote blood circulation to your feet, leading to faster healing.

Foot Massages Can Reduce Pain and Tension

Massaging the foot and calf muscles can help relieve pain and tension associated with plantar fasciitis. Use your hands, a tennis ball, or a specialized foot massage tool to apply gentle pressure and knead the painful areas. Focus on the arch, heel, and calf muscles, and massage for a few minutes each day.

Rethink Your Footwear and Invest in Quality Heel & Arch Support Support

Wearing supportive footwear is a simple, important plantar fasciitis treatment. Opt for shoes with proper arch support, cushioning, and a supportive heel counter. Consider using orthotic inserts or heel cups to provide additional support and alignment. Avoid flat or unsupportive shoes, such as flip-flops or high heels, as they don’t give your foot much support and may make your symptoms worse.

Nutrition and Supplements Play a Role in RecoveryΒ 

If you’re wondering how to treat plantar fasciitis naturally through your diet, make sure you’re focusing on eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Consider incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, such as fatty fish, turmeric, and ginger, into your meals. Supplements that may aid in reducing inflammation and supporting tissue repair include omega-3 fatty acids or vitamin D.

Use NSAIDs Only if Pain is Unmanageable

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help manage pain and reduce inflammation in plantar fasciitis. However, it’s best to use them sparingly and only when really necessary, as prolonged use can have some pretty serious side effects. Talk to your doctor to learn whether NSAIDs are necessary for your plantar fasciitis.Β 

How Long Does it Take to Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

So, how long does it take to treat plantar fasciitis? Just like some people take longer to recover from a cold than others, the same is true for plantar fasciitis. Everyone is different, so it’s hard to say how long your symptoms will last. The most important thing is to stretch regularly and learn how to self treat plantar fasciitis at home.Β Β 

Although there’s no definitive timeline, most cases of plantar fasciitis can be managed within a few months if you are resting, stretching, and taking steps toward treating plantar fasciitis.Β 

When to Seek Professional Care if At Home Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Doesn’t Yield Results

While learning how to treat plantar fasciitis at home works for many cases, sometimes medical treatment is necessary. If you’ve tried the best way to treat plantar fasciitis at home but haven’t seen any improvement in your symptoms, there are a few other options available to you.Β 

Electric Stim

Electric stimulation is a non-invasive plantar fasciitis treatment technique performed by healthcare professionals. It uses mild electrical currents to stimulate the affected tissues, promoting healing and reducing pain. If at-home treatment methods haven't worked, a doctor or physical therapist may recommend electric stim as the next step.


Another plantar fasciitis treatment option is surgery. Surgery for plantar fasciitis is considered a last resort and is only recommended in severe and chronic cases that have not responded to other treatments. Surgical interventions for plantar fasciitis may involve releasing the tight plantar fascia, removing bone spurs, or repairing other associated conditions.Β 

Braces and Supports

In some cases, your doctor may recommend the use of braces or orthotic supports to aid in your plantar fasciitis treatment. These devices can help to relieve pain, provide support, and promote proper foot alignment. Learning how to treat plantar fasciitis at home while also using custom orthotics or pre-made arch supports can help speed up your recovery.Β 

Parting Thoughts on the Best Way to Treat Plantar Fasciitis At Home

As you can see, learning how to self treat plantar fasciitis is pretty straightforward thanks to the CastleFlexx. When you think about what happens if you don’t treat plantar fasciitis (constant pain and the possibility of surgery or electrical stimulation), it’s easy to see why early treatment is so important.Β 

With the CastleFlexx, you have one of the the most trusted and effective tools for speeding up your recovery from plantar fasciitis. The CastleFlexx finally gives you the chance to get back on your feet, pain free, and make it through the day without dealing with the aching agony of plantar fasciitis.Β 

Treat your plantar fasciitis symptoms the fast, natural, and effective way - with CastleFlexx.Β