How Long Does Plantar Fasciitis Last?

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How Long Does Plantar Fasciitis Last?

If you’re experiencing the pain of plantar fasciitis with every step you take, there’s probably only one thing on your mind: how long will this agony last? Plantar fasciitis causes intense pain in your foot that can make even the simplest tasks a real struggle. If your an athlete, it can keep you out of action for long stretches of time.Β 

There’s no cure for plantar fasciitis, so it’s easy to feel like you’re trapped in a life of constant pain, from your morning jog to simply running some quick errands. So, how long does plantar fasciitis last, and what can you do to speed up your recovery time?

The good news is that, with the right help on your side, you can treat plantar fasciitis at home. Today, we’ll give you an idea of what the typical plantar fasciitis recovery timeline looks like, and how you can get back to your best active self as quickly as possible. We’ve got some easy, effective tips that will have you feeling better in next to no time!Β 

A Quick Overview of Plantar Fasciitis

Before we discuss how long for plantar fasciitis to heal, let’s take a quick look at the symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis, and why this painful condition affects so many people around the world.Β 


The main symptom associated with plantar fasciitis is pain. For most people, the pain occurs whenever their heel hits the ground, or even sometimes just while resting. It’s usually described as a stabbing pain, which can be worse in the mornings or after you’ve been off your feet for a while. Other symptoms include stiffness and tenderness in the foot and heel, mild swelling, and arch pain.Β 


Plantar fasciitis occurs when the band of tissue supporting the arch of the foot, known as the plantar fascia, experiences repetitive stress or strain. This strain may be caused by overuse from certain activities like running, dancing, or jumping, or wearing shoes without proper cushioning or support, especially of the arch. If you’re overweight or have high arches or flat feet, you may also be more likely to develop plantar fasciitis.Β 

Does Plantar Fasciitis Go Away on Its Own?

If you have mild plantar fasciitis, the symptoms may gradually improve over time, especially if you take the right steps to treat your condition. On the other hand, if your plantar fasciitis is more severe, or if you’ve been dealing with it for longer, your symptoms may persist and even worsen over time. Either way, it’s a good idea to learn some techniques to help relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis faster and speed up your plantar fasciitis recovery timeline.Β 

Factors Affecting How Long For Plantar Fasciitis to Heal

So, how long does plantar fasciitis last, and what are some of the factors that affect this? Let’s take a look at the main factors you’re up against when trying to find some quick plantar fasciitis pain relief.

Severity of Damage to the Plantar Fascia

First of all, your plantar fasciitis recovery timeline depends on the extent of your damage. If there’s a tear in your plantar fascia, this will take longer to heal and often requires the wearing of a rehab boot. Without a tear, the severity of the damage depends on the level of inflammation. If there’s more inflammation, your plantar fasciitis will take longer to heal.Β 

How Long You’ve Let the Issue Persist

If you’ve been hoping your plantar fasciitis will resolve on its own and haven’t taken steps to treat it, you may be in for a longer plantar fasciitis recovery timeline. If you start treating your symptoms as soon as they arise, you can beat plantar fasciitis faster.Β 

Your Treatment Protocol

The steps you take to treat your plantar fasciitis also play a big part in how long for plantar fasciitis to heal. If you follow your treatment protocol strictly, you give yourself the best possible chance of making a speedy recovery from plantar fasciitis.Β 

Your Choice of Footwear

The shoes you wear make a big difference when it comes to your plantar fasciitis recovery timeline. Supportive footwear with good cushioning and arch support will lead to a faster recovery time, while high heels and flat shoes with no support can keep you on the sidelines for longer.Β 

Your Body Weight and Other Personal Factors

Being overweight or obese puts more stress on your feet, and can result in a longer plantar fasciitis recovery timeline. Other factors like your occupation also make a difference. If you’re on your feet all day, it can be hard to give your body the proper rest it needs to heal, slowing down your recovery from plantar fasciitis.Β 

So, How Long Does Plantar Fasciitis Last?

Ok, so now that we’ve discussed the different factors at play, how long for plantar fasciitis to heal? And more importantly, how long does plantar fasciitis pain last? Let’s take a look.Β 

How Quickly Can You Get Back on Your Feet?

If you have a mild case of plantar fasciitis, with no tear in your plantar fascia, and you start treating the condition as soon as your symptoms arise, you can often be back on your feet within a couple of weeks.Β 

This is the best-case scenario and requires you to be diligent as you recover and patient while your body heals. Also, being back on your feet doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to train for a marathon right away - you’ll need to give your body extra time to get back up to speed and make sure your symptoms don’t recur.Β 

What is the Average Plantar Fasciitis Recovery Timeline?

How long does plantar fasciitis last, on average? While there’s a lot of variability based on the factors we described above, the average plantar fasciitis recovery timeline is anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months. It mostly depends on the severity of the fasciitis in the first place, and the steps you take to help your body heal.Β 

What’s the Longest Plantar Fasciitis Can Last?

In the worst-case scenario, how long does plantar fasciitis last? If you end up with a tear in your plantar fascia, and don’t seek immediate treatment, it could take over a year for your plantar fasciitis to heal. In rare cases where surgery is required, the recovery time maybe even longer.Β 

How Can You Press Fast-Forward on the Plantar Fasciitis Recovery Timeline?

Of course, nobody wants to be sidelined with frustrating foot pain longer than they need to. So what can you do to cut down your plantar fasciitis recovery timeline? Here are some of the most effective tactics for healing your plantar fasciitis as quickly and safely as possible.Β 

Rest to Reduce Inflammation: Taking a Step Back So You Can Take a Few Steps Forward

If you’re on your feet a lot and live an active life, slowing down might not be your cup of tea. However, it’s essential to take some time off your feet for as long as possible, to let the inflammation subside and to allow your plantar fascia to start healing itself.Β 

Remember, taking a few days off your feet in the short term means you’ll be able to get back to doing what you love sooner. If you try to push through the pain, you could find yourself sidelined for a significantly longer period of time.Β 

Stretch and Strengthen: Using Castleflexx to Target the Plantar FasciaΒ 

Stretches and strengthening exercises are a great way to speed up your recovery from plantar fasciitis. Stretching the plantar fascia loosens it to prevent tearing, helps to strengthen the surrounding muscles, and reduces inflammation during the healing process.Β 

Now, you can stretch your plantar fascia like never before thanks to the CastleFlexx, a piece of revolutionary flexibility equipment previously only available to elite athletes.Β 

While many people try using resistance bands or a towel to stretch their plantar fascia, this doesn’t give you the toe dorsiflexion needed to fully elongate the plantar fascia. The CastleFlexx, on the other hand, does, and also activates the entire posterior chain of your lower limb.Β 

With the CastleFlexx, you can enjoy all the benefits of assisted stretching without having to leave your living room, saving time and money on visits to specialists and physio appointments. The CastleFlexx has a unique design that makes it highly versatile - use it for ankle mobility exercises, to relieve a tight calf and knee pain, or to do stretches for tight achilles.Β 

You can also learn how to stretch shin splints and reduce your shin splint recovery time with the CastleFlexx, and discover how to release tight calves at the same time. This lightweight, portable device is great for traveling, throwing in your gym bag, and keeping by your side for an easy way to support your body’s natural healing processes and live your best life.Β 

Footwear: Protect the Plantar Fascia With Proper Orthotics

Wearing the right shoes is also essential when it comes to recovering from plantar fasciitis. How long does plantar fasciitis last with the right footwear? Generally, if you’re wearing supportive, well-cushioned shoes, you can recover from a mild case of plantar fasciitis within a few weeks. High heels or flat shoes, especially if you’re spending a lot of time on your feet, can significantly slow down your recovery.Β 

Other Tips for Navigating the Healing Phase of Plantar Fasciitis

During the early stages of your recovery from plantar fasciitis, icing the bottom of your foot can help deliver some short-term relief from the pain. Similarly, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other over-the-counter pain relief can also be helpful, but shouldn’t be considered a long-term solution.Β 

Patience is really the key to a speedy recovery. Taking a little bit of time off your feet and resting properly may be frustrating, but it’s a lot better than a prolonged, drawn-out recovery because you didn’t let your plantar fascia heal properly to begin with.Β 

Upon Healing Your Plantar Fasciitis, Follow This Advice to Prevent Future Flare-ups

Once you’ve recovered from plantar fasciitis, it’s important to do whatever you can to prevent a flare-up. This means:Β 

  • Putting your feet up whenever you start to feel the pain come backΒ 
  • Wearing supportive, cushioning footwear whenever you canΒ 
  • Limiting repetitive motions like jumpingΒ 
  • Maintaining a healthy weightΒ 
  • Stretching your plantar fascia and the surrounding muscles regularly

At the end of the day, make sure you’re listening to your body and picking up on any warning signs of plantar fasciitis. Take breaks whenever you need to and give yourself plenty of time to heal.Β 

Why is My Plantar Fasciitis Not Going Away? When to be Concerned & Seek Professional Guidance

While most cases of plantar fasciitis can be treated with self-care, sometimes the condition may persist or worsen despite your best efforts. It's important to recognize the signs of complications or worsening plantar fasciitis symptoms and know when to seek professional guidance.Β 

Recognizing Signs of Complications or Worsening Condition

If your pain becomes more severe or persists despite rest and treatment, it may suggest a more significant issue that requires help from a medical professional. Similarly, if you notice unusual swelling or redness in your foot it can be a sign of inflammation or another underlying problem that needs medical attention.

If you find it increasingly challenging to walk or bear weight on the affected foot, or you’re experiencing numbness or tingling in your foot, see a doctor. This may suggest nerve involvement or compression, which should be assessed by a healthcare professional.

Consulting with Medical Professionals

If your plantar fasciitis symptoms continue to worsen, or you just don’t feel like your body is recovering, it’s a good idea to seek medical guidance. You can talk to your doctor, a podiatrist, a physical therapist, or potentially an orthopedic specialist. Medical professionals can provide tailored treatment plans and help you navigate your plantar fasciitis journey effectively.

Parting Thoughts on How Long For Plantar Fasciitis to Heal

Plantar fasciitis can be a frustrating and painful condition, but with patience, careful management, and appropriate treatment, healing is possible. While the timeline for recovery may vary from person to person, understanding the factors influencing the duration can help set realistic expectations.Β 

So, how long for plantar fasciitis to heal, and how long does plantar fasciitis pain last? The answers depend on various factors, including the severity of your condition, how carefully it’s treated, and other individual factors. By stretching your plantar fascia with the CastleFlexx, you can both help your body heal from this painful condition and also reduce your chances of a flare-up later down the road.Β 

How long does it take to get flexible plantar fascia with the CastleFlexx? By stretching every day, you’ll start to see an improvement in both your flexibility and your plantar fasciitis symptoms before you know it.Β 

Don’t put up with the pain of plantar fasciitis for a day longer than you need to. Start stretching with the CastleFlexx, and feel the difference immediately!