If you’re still suffering from pain & stiffness even if you’ve tried everything from heating pads, lumbar pillows, “back pain” yoga, and resistance bands… then know this:
1 in every 4 U.S. adults suffers from joint pain and stiffness. And over $300 billion is spent annually on treatments with a lack of success such as therapy, steroids, and surgery.
The problem with these treatments is… complications can happen during these procedures further harming the point of pain. Or even the risk of getting addicted to medications.
But what if you used a full-body tool that allowed you to stretch with little to no pain while also building your strength?
See, we've patented a stretching and strength tool that until now has only been available to pro-athletes.
And now everyone from yoga enthusiasts to people with chronic pain to 65 year olds use this technology to increase their mobility and decrease pain.
Keep reading to see how you can get your hands on this revolutionary at-home stretching tool.
After years of design and testing, we can boldly say we've created the best full body workout tool on the market. And some of its features include:
CastleFlexx® is the only device with a unique patented "foot hammock" that is completely velcro free. Our foot hammock gives you the ability to fully flex the toes back, resulting in a stretched plantar fascia.
The device's slim profile allows you to display to fit with your home decor. CastleFlexx is accepted as carry-on when traveling by plane. Follow #FlexxAnywhere to see where people take it around the world.
CastleFlexx® is the only stretching device that allows you to grip handlebars comfortably. The bar grip will allow you to stretch for longer and offer you a balanced upper body versus the uneven shoulders and “slipping” feeling ropes and bands give you. Plus it has 99.9% anti-microbial coated stretch sleeve.
Each CastleFlexx® comes with a 2 lb. detachable magnetic weight. The weight seamlessly attaches, allowing you to increase or decrease the intensity of your workout.
Castleflexx is a full-body strengthening and stretching tool that allows you to get a full body workout and decreases joint and muscle pain. With Castleflexx, you can get rid of back, shoulder, and joint pain, release stiffness, and at the same time, build your strength.
When you finally get rid of your pain, you’ll be able to soothe your discomfort when walking up the stairs, hiking, golfing, gardening. And all the everyday movements can finally feel automatic, comfortable, and easy again.
I was able to improve my flexibility in my hamstrings especially and reduce my lower back pain without having any of that after-stretching aching feeling that you sometimes get.
Choose Your PackageDesigned in and shipped from the USA
“Unlike isolated stretching, Castleflexx stretches the entire posterior chain of the lower limb making it THE functional stretching tool on the market.”
– Dr. Hamid Sadri
Choose Your PackageDesigned in and shipped from the USA
Look, we're not claiming CastleFlexx is a magic pill or cure-all for stiffness or intense joint pain. But with over 97% of the reviews we get daily being 5 stars, we're pretty confident you can easily get your stretches in and your body can become way less stiff.
You’re just one click away from breaking free from your joint & muscle pain. Plus, when you place an order today you will immediately get a X% OFF but for a limited time only! So don’t wait, click on the button below to order CastleFlexx now:
Choose Your PackageDesigned in and shipped from the USA